Flint Public Library is a fine-free library with no charges for overdue items.
Books and materials other than DVDs have a 3-week checkout period with 1 renewal unless they are on hold for someone else.
DVDs have a 1-week checkout period with 1 renewal unless they are on hold for someone else.
The limit for checkouts is 20 items in total. See below for checkout limits on special types of materials.
More About Borrowing
Checkout limits for special types of materials.
Checkouts of physical items are limited for special materials: 6 DVDs, 6 music or audiobook CDs, 2 Launchpads (adult card only), 2 bookpacks and 2 playaways.
Holds can be placed online from your library account or on site.
You will get an email or text notice when your held item is ready. Items are held for 10 days.
Notices are sent by email or text only.
Be sure we have your email or texting phone number in your library record.
Renewals are automatic unless they are on hold.
All physical items checked out are set for 1 renewal unless they are on hold for someone else. For example, your book will be automatically renewed after 3 weeks for another 3 weeks if it’s not on hold for someone else. DVDs will automatically renew for 1 week. You will receive an email notice of the automatic renewal and the new due date. You can check your due dates in your online library account.
Your account may be blocked from borrowing.
If you have more than 6 items overdue or you owe us $5.00 or more (see Long Overdue, Misplaced or Damaged Materials below) your account is blocked from checking out physical materials.
Returning Items
Items can be returned outside the library 24/7 in the Book Return box near the garage. There is a Returns slot on the Lobby wall inside the Library.
Long Overdue, Misplaced or Damaged Materials
Long Overdue Materials are Billed to You as Lost Items
Materials overdue by more than 8 weeks (56 days) are considered Lost. You will be billed for the cost of the item with a notification letter via U.S. mail. You have ten days from receiving the letter to return the item or contact the library about the lost item. After ten days the account is sent to our collection agency and your account is charged a $10 collection fee in addition to the cost of the item.
Misplaced Items
If you have misplaced one of our items and cannot return it, please report it to the library by coming in or by telephone. We will note the item in your record. You will not be billed at that time. If you find the item and return it within the next year, you will not be billed. If you wish to pay for the item now, you may do so at the Information Desk. If you find the item within the next year and return it, we will refund your money, provided we can verify your payment of the item in your library account. Please see a staff member for help with this.
Damaged Items
If you have damaged an item, please bring it in and speak with staff about the charges that may be assessed.