Get the Apps

The apps on this page will allow you to download ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and music from our digital collections, as well as watch streaming movies.

Libby App for eBooks, Audiobooks and Magazines from OverDrive

OverDrive is our service for ebooks, audiobooks and magazines, free with your library card. The Libby app is recommended for public library users and the OverDrive app for Kindle Fire. You can also read ebooks from OverDrive on your regular Kindle app. More information about specific devices is available at the OverDrive Help site.

Freegal App for Music

Freegal provides streaming music and a weekly allowance of downloadable tracks for you to keep, free with your library card. Freegal offers access to about 15 million songs, including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists, and over 40,000 music videos.

Kanopy App for Streaming Movies

Kanopy provides movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos, including an entire site for kids - Kanopy Kids - free with your library card.

Get Help from the Library

For brief help and advice, stop by the Information Desk at the Library with your device. If your questions are more extensive, sign up for Book an Expert, a 30-minute session with one of our staff.