Upcoming Events for Kids
Toddler Time Storytime
Let's read, talk, sing, play, count and write together. Ideal for ages 0-5 years.
Kids' Favorite Book Club
March is Reading Month Storytimes with Guest Readers
March is Reading Month Storytimes with Guest Readers
Every Saturday in March enjoy stories and activities with a different guest reader and community member.
Crochet with Cristen
Learn to crochet a scarf with Cristen. Ideal for beginners, ages 7-12.
Time Travel Club
Enjoy books and activities that will transport you to a different time and place. Ideal for ages 7-12.
Storytime Yoga
Miss Marcia weaves yoga, movement, breath and stories. Children will build positive body awareness, mindfulness and self-regulation while enjoying wonderful stories.
Rough Draft Cafe Community Writing Center
UM-Flint’s Community Writing Center, the Rough Draft Café, provides writing support services to community members.
Thursdays with For-Mar
Swept Away! Let’s investigate how wind and waves help plants and animals. How many organisms depend on a breezy day? Join us, and we’ll explore together!
Community Read - Celebration
April 5 | Celebration @GCFPL
Sewing with Rose
Learn basic skills that will help you extend the life of your favorite cloth item(s), or create something new from existing fabrics. Ideal for ages 7-12.