Get a Card

Gloria Coles Flint Public Library’s resources are available to many users, courtesy of the people of Flint. A library card is required to check out physical materials, use the computer, use a room, and access our digital library resources.

Full Service Card

Any resident of the City of Flint or the State of Michigan may apply for a Gloria Coles Flint Public Library card. A current Driver’s License or State of Michigan Identification card must be shown. People under the age of 18 who do not have their own Michigan Driver’s License or Identification Card must have a parent or legal guardian present to get a card at the time that they apply.

With a full service card, you can check out physical materials (books, media) as provided in our Check Out Materials page.


No current ID, or you’ve not yet updated your address? No problem! We can issue you a library card or renew your regular card as an E-Card temporarily until you bring in your ID. Your E-Card gives you access to library computers and all of our digital library resources available anywhere any time, including downloadable books and audiobooks. There is only one thing you cannot do with an E-Card; you cannot check out physical materials. So get yourself a full service card soon, and use all the features of the library!

When you have a valid ID, just return to the Checkout Desk and we can convert your E-Card to a full service library card. You can also apply for an E-Card online if you live in a Genesee County zip code.

Institution Card

COMING SOON. Businesses, nonprofits, organizations and groups will be able to apply for an Institution Card with the owner or officer taking responsibility for items checked out and other activity on the card, such as room use. Check with library staff for more information on how to apply.

Temporary Residents and Guests

Individuals temporarily residing in Flint or Genesee County can apply for an E-card. Guests to the area can request a guest pass to use library computers.