Program Description
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Struggling learners, neurotypical learners, and students with special needs succeed when using a curriculum that draws them in. Utilizing the poem Black Dandelion by Flint Poet Laureate, Semaj Brown, in conjunction with its corresponding lesson plans, allows every student to bloom through the Art of Unimagined Ecosystems.
Dr. Sharon Simeon holds advanced degrees from Wayne State University, and Saginaw State University with concentrations and State Certifications in Special Needs Education. She specializes in working with children with emotional learning disorders. Dr. Simeon is also a visual artist who recently exhibited at the Flint Institute of Arts.
Jennifer Seymore- Dunton, retired after having been a Special Education classroom teacher for over three decades, she spends her time working in support of the arts in the community. Ms. Seymore-Dunton is an emerging poet, and a treasured member of the Black Dandelion: Convergent Voice™ RW3s Reading Writing Word Warriors. RW3s assist the Poet Laureate, Semaj Brown in facilitating reading, writing, critical thinking, self-esteem building and so much more.