Local Authors

Local Authors' Guidelines

LAST REVISED January 15, 2023

These Administrative Guidelines interpret and provide operational details for the Board of Trustees’ Meeting Room Policy and Materials Selection Policy.

Local Authors and Illustrators

Persons residing in Flint and Genesee County will qualify as local authors for purposes of these Guidelines.

Persons residing outside the County but with long-time connections to the County (such as working here or having grown up here) may apply to be considered as local authors. The decision of library staff is final.

Local Authors' Collection

We know our community enjoys reading the work of local authors. In order to help connect local authors with the reading public, Gloria Coles Flint Public Library offers a Local Authors’ Collection for both adult and youth audiences.

Submitting a Work to the Local Authors’ Collection

Local authors may submit their work for inclusion in the collection using a form provided for that purpose.

Librarians on the Collection staff will determine whether a submitted work is appropriate for the Local Authors Collection using the following criteria:

  • Suitability of subject, style, and level for the intended audience
  • Quality of writing, including spelling and grammar
  • Quality of layout, production, and illustrations
  • Professional reviews, if available.

The Local Authors Collection will be comprised of books donated by their authors. Donated materials not added to the Library’s collection may be picked up by the author from library administration.

  • Items in the collection will appear as circulating materials in our online catalog. 
  • Both traditionally published and self-published works will be considered for this collection. The Library cannot add ebooks.
  • Family histories and other similar items may be shelved in the Local History & Genealogy Department when appropriate.
  • Authors must represent and warrant that they have full ownership and/or legal rights to publish all material in this book, including artwork.
  • Items added to the collection that do not circulate regularly will be subject to removal as part of the Library’s regular deselection process.

To submit an item for consideration

Fill out the Local Author Collection and Book Signing Event Submission Form and deliver or send it along with the book to:

Local Author Submission, Gloria Coles Flint Public Library

1026 E. Kearsley St., Flint, MI 48503

Allow 30 days for a decision and 90 days before the item will reach the shelves and appear in the library catalog, if accepted.

Requesting a Local Author Book Signing Event

Local authors may schedule a book signing event whether or not their book has been submitted or approved for inclusion in the Local Authors’ Collection. Fill out the Local Author Collection and Book Signing Event Submission Form and deliver or send it along with a review copy of the book to:

Local Author Submission, Gloria ColesFlint Public Library
1026 E. Kearsley St., Flint, MI 48503

Staff will briefly review your book for suitability for a book signing event. Unless your book is being added to the Local Authors’ Collection, you may pick up your book from library administration after staff review.

Allow 30 days for a decision on whether your book signing event is authorized.

To Request a Room Reservation for a Book Signing Event

Staff at rooms@fpl.info  will work with you on the date, time and room arrangements for your event. The Community Room is not available for this event.

Room arrangements will follow the Meeting Room Policy and Guidelines. The author’s library card is required to secure the reservation and the cardholder is responsible for the room and activities taking place within the room.

The Library will waive room setup fees, food fees and audio-visual fees as our contribution to the success of your signing event.

You may sell your books (any for which you are the author, co-author or illustrator) at this event. No admittance fee may be charged, contributions solicited or items sold other than your books.

Only one book signing event of this type may be held per book.

Publicizing Your Book Signing

The author is welcome to publicize this event in print, on social media and by other means. Publicity must not give the impression that the program is sponsored by the Library or part of the Library’s public programming.

To assist with your publicity, the Library will include the event on its website calendar of events. You may submit flyers for our Community Information bulletin board.

Download and print:

Local Author Collection and Book Signing Event Submission Form