Fall Teen Library Offerings

Sharing with Our Teens: During the holiday season, the library is accepting donated, new items for teens, such as toiletries, earbuds, headphones, chargers, hair appliances, personal items, and more. Please drop off your donations by December 14th and they will be distributed to teens in Flint.

Teen Volunteers! We are looking for teens who need volunteer hours or just want to get more into their community by helping out at the Library.
Our first event will be Pizza & Movie Night watching Wakanda Forever
Thursday, December 14 ∙ 5-7:30pm Teens only, 13-19 years
Enjoy pizza and popcorn and watch Wakanda while you pack donations for teens across the city.

Please contact Ashley, our Teen Services Librarian, or Katie, our Youth Services Manager if you are interested in more volunteer opportunities.
Ashley: 810-249-2583 or anizinski@fpl.info
Katie: 810-249-2587 or kbadgley@fpl.info