Finding Time to Read

Do you want to read more but just can’t seem to find the time? The following strategies might help:


  • Designate a special spot in your home as a “reading nook”. Make this spot as conducive to reading as possible: comfy chair, good lighting, end tables for books and a steaming cup of tea, etc.
  • Remove all distractions, especially your phone.
  • Forget Movie or Game Night! Plan a Reading Night and invite friends and/or family members.
  • Always carry a book to appointments, when waiting for friends, or picking up your children at events. You never know how long the wait will be!
  • Listen to books while driving in the car, exercising, cleaning, etc.  Remember: it’s still reading if you’re listening to a book!
  • Visit the Flint Public Library to check out a variety of books. And plan to spend an hour or so at the library reading one of them!


Follow these tips and I bet you will be able to finish the novel that’s been on your nightstand for the past month! Happy Reading!

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