Reading and Road Trips!

Its summer and that means its road trip time! Pack your suitcases, favorite snacks, and, of course, books! To keep yourself entertained, make sure to take a variety of genres: mystery, thrillers, non-fiction, etc. What may be of interest on day one of your road trip may not be appealing on day three. Is it a short jaunt? You might want to take a book of short stories instead of “War and Peace”. Will you be listening to audiobooks? If so, take into account the interests of those traveling with you. The Flint Public Library allows patrons to checkout 20 items, six of which can be e-books accessed through Libby, our e-book provider. And, if you forgot to bring a book, e-books can be downloaded anywhere and anytime, as long as you have a valid Flint Public Library card. Happy travels!