Vote for Flint Forward!

If you've had a chance to visit the renovated Library, you know what an amazing job OPN Architects did in bringing our vision for a 21st century Library to life. They chose to create a video about this project that showcases the gritty, determined people of Flint and their commitment to the next generation of learners.

They've entered that film in the AIA Film Challenge as a way to share our story. We want OPN...and win this contest! And we need your help.

Simply create an account at the AIA Film Competition here. Then you can click here to sign in and vote for "Flint Forward." You can vote once every hour (or as often as you like) until the voting closes on October 14.

Even if you don't have time to vote, make sure you watch the 3-minute video. It's a testament to the people like you who made our renovated Library possible. Thank you!

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