Digital Conversion Station

Preserve Your Memories (Coming Soon)

Have VHS you want to preserve for the future? Check out our Digital Conversion Station equipment. With an advance reservation, we will set this station up for you.

The station includes a VHS to DVD converter. Bring removable media (USB drives) to save your memories.

Equipment Includes:

  • A Windows PC with Adobe Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements editing software and VidBox software
  • VidBox VHS to DVD converter

Reserving the Digital Conversion Station

Please use the Contact Us page to let us know you would like to book the digital conversion station. We allow one reservation per week, for up to a four hour session.

Realize that VHS conversion requires that the VHS run in “real time.” If you have a two-hour tape, it will take two hours to process, plus the rendering time and uploading to your storage media.

Storage of Your Files

Bring storage media with you (such as a USB hard drive or high-capacity USB stick) or plan to upload your files to your personal cloud storage before you leave. All files will be deleted at the end of your session.